Straight Talk

Robert Lupton's Book, Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help and How to Reverse It

Good intentions can have unintended, dire consequences. In Toxic Charity, Lupton urges individuals, churches, and organizations to step away from these spontaneous acts of compassion (or as we like to call it at 360 Transformation-Random Acts of Goodness) toward thoughtful paths to community development. As Christ followers, we are called to something better. Christ came to break the cycle of spiritual and physical poverty. Therefore, let’s not create dependency. Instead, let’s encourage the poor to use their God-given talents and skills. Let’s uphold and affirm the poor’s dignity.

Can’t wait to read the book!

360 Transformation exists to train and equip churches, mission agencies, Non-Profits and Communities to move towards long term Transformation.